There is an increasing need in today’s healthcare system to provide a holistic system of treatment for sports and orthopedic injuries. All too often surgery and long term pharmaceuticals are used as a first resort as opposed to a last resort.
Acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular for treating injuries in the sports medicine field. Both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Sports Medicine diagnostic techniques are used to view the patient’s injury from each perspective. Utilizing a synthesized effort of acupuncture and sports medicine modalities, the purpose of this combination is not only to address the patient’s injury, but also to treat the total wellness of the patient.
Our goal is to accurately assess the source and severity of the patient’s musculoskeletal complaint such as an acute ankle sprain or chronic lower back pain. A treatment plan would be developed and applied to best serve the patients needs.
We believe combining Traditional Chinese Medicine and Sports Medicine successfully satisfies our objective in decreasing injury rehabilitation time, therefore getting you back to your desired activity with optimal performance and enhancement, in addition to, education on injury prevention, health and well being.